Data Collection Point B

Similar to Point A, I had about 11 students respond to this point of the data collection. As length of conversation was slightly different in each collection point, when it came to comparative analysis later on, I converted the text analysis data to percentages. So if 174 relevant words were used in the conversation, and… Continue reading Data Collection Point B

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Scheduling my interventions

I scheduled my interventions to take place in unit 2, a unit that involves the whole Stage 1 group. I’m unit co-ordinator along with my colleague Kane Husbands, so I was able to integrate my interventions into the curriculum for the students. This meant that students who contributed to the data didn’t have to attend… Continue reading Scheduling my interventions

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Following my initial gathering of data on what my particular group of students thought of as ‘research’, my interventions were to take the students on two of trips to sites outside the university, framing these as ‘research trips’ – places that could provide students with legitimate knowledge in a similar but different way to more… Continue reading Interventions

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Data Collection Point A – analysis

Reading through the responses and my notes, I reflected that a lot of the definitions of research that came up surrounded ideas of objectivity vs subjectivity. Research for a lot of the students had some kind of relationship to ‘facts’ and the exact nature of what constituted facts varied. In terms of specific sites of… Continue reading Data Collection Point A – analysis

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Data Collection Point A

I was really pleased that all the students who were in attendance consented to be part of the research: about 15 students. These were the responses. What is research? Oral responses when analysing their peers first responses. ‘It expands our minds’ ‘I think it can be broad – doesn’t have to be capped to a… Continue reading Data Collection Point A

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