I attempted a few different designs for my research, before arriving at the plan I actually carried out. Though I knew I wanted to find out and design an intervention around student definitions of ‘research’, it took me some time to refine my exact research question and process. In truth this refining continued through the… Continue reading Research Design
Author: Rosa Uddoh
Methodologies: Romantic Research <3
Ahead of the second ARP workshop, I read Ellis and Bochner’s ‘Analyzing Analytic Autoethnography’, (Bochner and Ellis, 2006). The text took the format of a transcript of a conversation between a couple – Ellis and Bochner – who are also academics, about their practice of autoethnography. Now revisiting my notes on this session, about a… Continue reading Methodologies: Romantic Research <3
Professional Context, Rationale & Limitations
The Professional Context The production of knowledge is highly political. In my own experience as a lecturer and student, universities are widely seen as the place where ‘knowledge’ is produced by certain people, and by extension where certain types of knowledge and research that meet certain standards are legitimised. As a black female lecturer and… Continue reading Professional Context, Rationale & Limitations
Notes on rationale – bell hooks’ ‘Therory as Liberatory Practice’
‘When our lived experience of theorizing is fundamentally linked to processes of self-recovery, of collective liberation, no gap exists between theory and practice. Indeed what such experience makes more evident is the bond between the two – that ultimately reciprocal process wherein one enables the other.’ (hooks, 1994) ‘Critical reflection on contemporary production of feminist… Continue reading Notes on rationale – bell hooks’ ‘Therory as Liberatory Practice’
I wrote the following notes in response to a few different resources I engaged with at the same time: Christina Sharpe’s book Ordinary Notes (2023); PGcert IP seminars and resources (particularly ‘Rentention and attainment in the disciplines: Art and Design’, by Finegan and Richards, on the attainment gap between black and white students; Josephine Kwhali’s… Continue reading Race
I listened to Kwame Anthony Appiah’s talk on ‘Mistaken Identity’. The main point I think he was trying to get across was that religion or faith is more of a verb i.e. a practice, rather than a noun, or a category you pick. He says this is because of two main reasons. One: you cannot… Continue reading Faith
I started off looking at Christine Sun Kim’s film on her performance practice. I love her work – it really makes me think about sound in a different way and to consider the experience of the d/Deaf or hard of hearing. While I hadn’t seen this video before, she has one called Closed Captions, which… Continue reading Disability
Case Study 2
Case study 1
Blogging as a learning tool
Can I just say I am loving writing this blog. I’ve never done it before and I’m learning a lot from it: it allows me to reflect in detail on things that have happened during sessions. I actually find it very therapeutic as it reveals to myself assumptions I’ve been having and emotions I’ve been… Continue reading Blogging as a learning tool