Theories, Policies and Practices

  • Blogging as a learning tool

    Can I just say I am loving writing this blog. I’ve never done it before and I’m learning a lot from it: it allows me to reflect in detail on things that have happened during sessions. I actually find it very therapeutic as it reveals to myself assumptions I’ve been having and emotions I’ve been……

  • Reflections on non-hierarchical learning

    After a tutorial with Emily, and writing the last few blogposts, I’ve become more clear that empowering students through working towards a non-hierarchical environment is really my focus as a teacher. I also had a discussion with my colleague Prof. Andrea Zimmerman, whose approach really highlights this also, I feel. We were having a discussion……

  • Learning about facilitation

    In a recent class for the performance as protest session, two students were having a heated discussion about the current war in Ukraine., sparked by artwork some other students had brought to the group tutorial. One student was coming from a perspective of being passionate about geopolitics and another being Ukrainian and arriving here again……