
Costa, A., Kallick, B. (1993) ‘Through the Lens of a Critical Friend’, Educational leadership: Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A, 51 (2), pp. 49-51. Bochner, A., Ellis, C. (2006) ‘Analyzing Analystic Autoethnography: An Autopsy’, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 35 (4), pp. 429-449. hooks, b. (1992) Black Looks: Race and Representation. Montreal:… Continue reading Bibliography

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Conclusions & Reflections <3

• At the beginning of this process, I set my research questions. The first was: ‘What do Stage 1 Performance: Design and Practice students classify as ‘research’ at the beginning of their undergraduate degree?’ Even though I found a methodology that allowed everyone to speak, I found that the definitions of research that students gave… Continue reading Conclusions & Reflections <3

Data Point C – Analysis

In the file above I’ve compiled the final round of data that I got from the questionnaire that I sent out in order to better understand the impact of my interventions on the change in student attitudes to research. Nine students filled out this questionnaire – a smaller sample size than the 11-15 students who… Continue reading Data Point C – Analysis

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Data collection Point C – A Survey

Following analysis of data from my second collection point, I decided I needed to ask more questions, and more specific questions, to really understand the impact of my interventions and so to be able to answer my second research question – ‘How can student definitions of ‘research’ be expanded beyond limited Western, imperial definitions of… Continue reading Data collection Point C – A Survey

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Comparative Analysis

As with Data Point A, I analysed the data using a combination of thematic textual and autoethnographic analysis. This led to new themes emerging, for example, ‘Emotions’, but also several themes that were the same. I made a table so that I could compare the two sets of data to see more clearly how student… Continue reading Comparative Analysis

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Methodologies: Critical Friendship

In relation to research analysis methodologies I discussed in my earlier post, I found this quote that Rachel showed us in the presentation seminar particularly useful. Butt’s theory of ‘critical intimacy’ (see above) and Costa and Kallick’s notion of ‘critical friendship’ (Costa & Kallick, 1993) are useful precedents for the kinds of methodologies a already… Continue reading Methodologies: Critical Friendship

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